Friday, 25 November 2011

Incentives - Script Analysis - Kurtis J. Wiebe

Script Critique by Kurtis Wiebe

Writers produce a lot of work but we so rarely share it with others. However, those writers willing to share, willing to listen, and willing to learn are the ones who prosper. They don’t work in a vacuum and they generally keep themselves grounded.

If you’ve been squirreling away at a stack of scripts and you just aren’t sure if they are ready for an artist, or a pitch, or safe daylight consumption, then chances are some outside feedback will help you. If you pledge $100 to the Beginnings Anthology fundraising then you’ll not only get outside feedback but you’ll get it from Kurtis Wiebe.

Kurtis writes the critically acclaimed Green Wake from Image, and has also published The Intrepids, Snow Angel, and Beautiful Creatures. He’s just had his first novel published, a short story for Marvel about Wolverine hit digital and print later this year, and next year sees him launch two new series from Image – Peter Panzerfaust and Grim Leaper.

The Perk
Kurtis will go through 10 pages of your script work and break it down to give you feedback. He’ll discuss formatting, subject, tone, clarity, storytelling, theme, and anything else you want to know about your script writing. He’ll be there to celebrate what you do right and give tips on what you can improve.

Having a major writer from Image Comics look over your pages cannot be a bad thing in the slightest. It’s a great skill building exercise and also an opportunity to network. For only $100 it's a steal - and you are supporting an indie comic in the process.

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