Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Excitement... Mounting...

It has only been twelve days since submissions and Expressions of Interest opened for the Anthology, and we have already received emails promising almost forty pages of comics!

Everyone is interpreting the themes differently, and approaching the topic of 'Beginnings' from different angles. The genres and styles of the comics are all quite different - there are fantasy stories, romance stories, historical stories, quasi-autobiographical stories, and stories about intrigue.

(Really, the biggest surprise to me so far, is that we do not have any superhero origins stories!)

There are also a number of artists who have emailed in, hoping to be matched with a writer; so if you have a script but no artwork, let us know!

You don't need to submit an expression of interest, but it is really helpful for us to know approximate pagecounts and themes, for planning purposes (and because we're nosy, really!).

And it's not too late to get involved. Our deadlines are quite strict, so that we can meet our publishing date of March 2012:
- Scripts (for writers without artists) are due by midnight 1 December 2011
- Finished comics are due by midnight 1 February 2012 (but feel free to send them through any time now!)

Finally, if you are in the Canberra area, or if you will be near the ACT, check out our Facebook page for events, meetups, and pub-sketches. You will be very welcome.
(We also have a twitter.)

In our next post, we'll reveal some of our plans to get this project funded, and ask for your ideas and input -- get your thinking caps on, people!

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